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Congregational Meeting

Beloved Members & Friends of Covenant Grace,

I am writing on behalf of the Session of Covenant Grace to let you know that God has blessed our church with a tremendous opportunity! We were recently approached by Lake Brandt Reformed Church (just down the street) about the possibility of purchasing their property. In God's providence, Lake Brandt Reformed has decided to close its doors after many years of faithful ministry. We praise God for the ways that Rev. Arie Van Eyk has wisely and lovingly led the congregation there. When it was decided that they were not going to continue the ministry, their officers said that their first preference was to offer the property to us because they desire to see a faithful gospel ministry continuing in its place. We are both humbled and honored by this undeserved kindness!

After taking time to seek the Lord through prayer, view the property multiple times, and complete some other preliminary considerations, we have determined that this is a wise and God-glorifying course for us to pursue. There are many exciting details and points of information that we would like to share with you. For this reason, we have decided to call a Congregational Meeting directly following Lord's Day worship on January 8, 2023.

We have three main goals for our meeting:

  1. To share more information about the exciting opportunity before us.

  2. To vote on the appointment of a committee and committee chair to undertake this project under the authority of the Session.

  3. To spend time giving thanks to God together for this opportunity and to bathe this prospect and the future ministry of Covenant Grace in prayer.

Please rejoice with us, pray with us, and mark your calendar for this important date!

Earlier Event: January 4
Decoration Clean Up
Later Event: January 8
Covenant Youth