“We need the psalms to be included in our corporate worship because they help us learn how to praise God according to the full scope of our relationship to him, and his to us. They help us enjoy, adore, and honor all of who our God is, rather than praising him only for a select few of his more palatable attributes. They teach us to interpret the unfolding events and circumstances of life according to the realities of God’s omnipresence, God’s indomitable sovereignty, God’s covenant faithfulness, and God’s intimate providence. And in this way, the psalms serve to promote spiritual maturity among us, to help us see and understand all of life according to who our God is, and to prevent us from allowing the powerful currents of our own times or of our own preferences to pull us too far adrift.”
Read More“Throughout history, our forefathers in the faith have called this truth The Regulative Principle of Worship. While there are complexities to this principle, the heart of it is simple: Believers should endeavor to worship God according to the teaching of his Word. That is to say, when we ask the question, “How should God be worshiped?” the one and only source to which we should turn for the answer is the Bible.”
Read MoreThe following poem is titled "Silent As a Lamb" after Isaiah 53:7. It was written in contemplation upon the events leading to Jesus' death as recorded in Matthew 26.
Read More“When the justice of God against the wicked is described in holy Scripture, it can be very hard for us to wrap our minds around. We are sometimes tempted to wonder, "Could such things truly be the decree of a holy and loving God?" I think it is safe to say that all thoughtful persons have felt this doubt well up in their hearts.”
Read MoreThere is a lesson for us here. Stop and ask yourself: What would happen to our nation today if God simply let us have what we have collectively shown that we want? Where do the policies, plans, practices, and prized pleasures of our nation ultimately lead us? Do they chart the course to freedom, blessing, and life?
Read More"The real question we have to answer is this: Is Jesus worthy of your suffering or is he is not? If he is not, then your faith is worthless and should be forsaken. But if he is, then your faith is more precious than gold and all else should be forsaken for Christ."
Read MoreCeasing to be wise in your own eyes means removing yourself and your feelings from the judgment seat of your life and giving God his rightful throne once more. It means that we do not stand over God’s Word as its judges, but rather we humble ourselves beneath God’s Word as humble subjects and servants of our Lord. This is what Proverbs 3:7 implies by telling us to stop being wise in our own eyes but instead “fear the LORD”. The wisdom which governs our life should not be our own, but that which has come down to us from heaven in God’s holy and inerrant Word.
Read More“Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets," (Luke 6:26).
Read MoreWhat does following Christ really look like in practice? What would it mean for someone who believes in Jesus to now devote their life to trusting him, following his example, and being conformed to his likeness?
Read More“I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your deeds of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate upon your mighty deeds,” (Psalm 77:11-12).
Read MoreRead More“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
Exodus 20:8
Lots of people ask the question: "What is God's will for my life?" or "What does God want me to do with my life?" To be sure, there are many important ways to think about and seek answers to these kinds of questions which reach far beyond what I will mention now. But here is a very simple answer taken directly from the pages of Holy Scripture that is often undervalued and overlooked.
Read More“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ,” (II Corinthians 4:6).
Read MoreIt is a well known truth that we are significantly shaped by the companions we keep—either for good or for harm. We may like to think of ourselves as influencers, but we are also people who can be easily influenced.
Read More“Be of good courage, and let us be courageous for our people, and for the cities of our God, and may the LORD do what seems good to him,” (II Samuel 10:12).
Read MoreTherefore, flinch not, my soul, from the holy service to which you have been called! Flee not from the field of battle! Do not desert your post due to the impotence of your own power. In the face of all your fears do this: Fix your eyes upon the Champion of your salvation and Captain of your soul!
Read MoreMy aim is simple: I want to encourage you to read the Bible daily in 2023. Let’s just say you accept the challenge. You will have to know from the outset that it won’t be easy.
Read More“And God’s answer was not to tell Moses how strong or wise or capable Moses is, but rather to turn Moses’ eyes back upon the LORD his God. God’s answer to our crippling insecurities is always himself.”
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