Only the Names Have Changed (Abortion)

I was a child who, culturally speaking, ‘should’ have been aborted. I understand what it is like to be born into a dysfunctional family of teenage parents who have neither the love, maturity, or resources to properly raise a family. My childhood hurt…a lot. The wounds still echo. But do you know what? I am still glad that my unprepared parents did not murder me instead.

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Rev. Tom Brown
If God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?

Prayerlessness can never be blamed on a proper understanding of God’s sovereignty. No, no, no. Prayerlessness actually reveals a misunderstanding and poor application of the doctrine of God’s sovereignty. It because we know that God is sovereign that we should pray with all the more confidence and joy know that God has planned to use “all things”—including our prayers—to fulfill his perfect and unchangeable will for our lives, (Rm 8:28).

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Rev. Tom Brown
Sincerity In Ministry

In the midst of all the noise of what claims to be “Christian” today, it is not an irrelevant question to ask,“What does sincere devotion to God in ministry actually look like according to the Bible?”

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Rev. Tom Brown
Every Sin Will Be Forgiven, But One...

30 Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 31 Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come, (Matt. 12:30-32).

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Rev. Tom Brown
The Necessity of the New Birth

Last week we saw the reality that God has revealed the truth of mankind’s need for him with abundant and inexcusable clarity. But we also saw that despite the overwhelming clarity of the truth, sinful men will not repent and believe. In the face of every opportunity, sinners will spurn the gospel of grace to their own everlasting peril. Why is this so? Why will men stare the offer of God’s merciful pardon of all their sins in the face and yet refuse to repent and be saved?

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Rev. Tom Brown
Our Father's Firm & Faithful Hand

Beloved, it is because our heavenly Father is merciful that he will not hesitate to make his straying children miserable in their sinful pursuits. Indeed, we can all affirm that “for the moment, all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant,” (Heb. 12:11). But let us never forget that the end of his designs is always “for our good, that we may share in his holiness,” (Heb. 12:10).

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Rev. Tom Brown
Why Do His Children Suffer?

Why does the God who has all power, all authority, all wisdom, and all grace, sometimes allow the children he loves to suffer? This is an important question, and one which both believers and unbelievers have raised throughout the ages.

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Rev. Tom Brown
The Word-Centered Home

He who made the mind and heart of every child is he who wrote the Word to guide them both for his glory. Let us trust him and be faithful to lead our families to God day by day.

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Rev. Tom Brown
The Night Sky

When a child looks up at the night sky and sees the stars, they often think to themselves, "Look at all those tiny little lights!" With their unaided eyes, they cannot recognize the overwhelming magnitude of the celestial luminaries they are actually seeing. They can hardly imagine that things which appear so minuscule to their eyes, could, in reality, be so colossal.

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Rev. Tom Brown
A Little Oil For the Fire (Pastoral Letter)

Within the story, one of the pictures which the main character "Christian" is shown during his visit with the "Interpreter" is a fireplace. On one side of the fireplace stood a villainous creature who was constantly pouring water on the fire in an effort to quench its flames. Yet, as Christian watched the fire, though it was stifled in measure by the water, the flames would not go out. As he wondered why this was so and why the Interpreter was showing it to him, he asked and the Interpreter took him to a secret room on the backside of the fireplace which he could not formerly see.

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Rev. Tom Brown
Are We Free To Flee?

The Christian mission is unavoidably costly. No one who has actually read and understood the words of Jesus of Nazareth could tell you otherwise. Yet it is the most important mission that could ever be undertaken. It is impossible to live for something greater, and it is foolish to live for anything less. Those who refuse to acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ before men, will be denied by Jesus Christ before the Father, (Matt. 10:32-33).

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Rev. Tom Brown
Everybody Approves, So It Must Be Good

As Christians, we have been given the unpopular task of engaging the hearts and minds of our fellow men on these thorny issues. This will not be easy to do, and we should not expect it to be. But even with the challenges we will face, it is work which is of the utmost importance when it is approached with the gospel of grace at the center. Our engagement is not for the sake of judgment, or politics, or some kind of fundamentalist agenda. Our engagement is for the sake of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and for the good of our fellow man—both temporally and eternally.

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Rev. Tom Brown
Whose Counsel Are You Listening To?

We typically think of this verse as referring to following the many unhelpful voices that exist outside of us. But it is important to recognize that sometimes “the counsel of the wicked” originates in our own heart and mind. Sometimes it isn’t what other people are saying or doing that is the problem. Sometimes it is what we are saying or thinking about ourselves.

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Rev. Tom Brown
Everyone Wants To Be Blessed

Everyone wants to be blessed. Everyone wants to live a life of joy and fulfillment, of significance and purpose. So what is the path that will lead us there? As simple as that question is, it strikes at the foundation of each person’s life. Your answer to that question is the rudder that steers directs you.

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Rev. Tom Brown
The Gospel of the Kingdom

11 Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel? (Ezek. 33:11).

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Rev. Tom Brown
Jesus Is the Center & Climax of All Redemptive History

“When Jesus replies to their question, he declares that if they had any proper understanding of redemptive history at all, their eyes would be fixed on him—not on fasting! The whole Old Testament has been one grand series of preparations, all pointing forward to the greatest of all weddings—a wedding between Christ and his eternal bride, the ransomed Church. In v15, Jesus declares that the day of that wedding is now at hand, and that the Bridegroom himself is standing before them. By naming himself as the Bridegroom of the people of God, Jesus unequivocally asserts that he, and he alone, is the great fulfillment of all Old Testament anticipation—the central focal point and climax of all redemptive history.”

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Rev. Tom Brown