Psalm 3 | The Lord Sustains


Note: This post is part of a series of brief devotional reflections upon the Psalms. Before reading the devotional below, take a moment to open your Bible and read the entirety of Psalm 3:1-8.


"I lay down and slept; I woke again, for The Lord sustained me." - Psalm 3:5

Here we have a window through which to gaze upon the vast treasury of peace available to the soul of every Christian. In the midst of a kingdom of disorder, King David still has rest. How many are your troubles? How many are your foes? How many are your uncertainties about the love of God for you? Let the dread of them all be subdued in your heart at once. Men will spout their accusations and insist on their wayward judgments, but it is God alone who declares the final word over every soul. We must not measure the glory of our God by the troubles of our life, but rather measure the troubles of our life by the glory of our God. This is the key to rest in the midst of suffering, the source of real peace in the swell of uncertainty: Consider the love of your God! Though many thousands should rally against you and mutter all kinds of malicious doubts, you are invited to rest your soul in God whose Word is truth and whose scepter shall never be swayed by falsehood.

Who is it that holds ultimate power over your life? Your enemies or their Creator? Your foes or the one who grants them breath? "Salvation belongs to The Lord!" It is he who numbers our days according to his sovereign will, and he who will sustain us until they are accomplished. No adversary holds the final word over you, no circumstance, no bad decision, no sin. If you are in Christ, heaven has already given the verdict: "It is finished!” You are a blood-bought child of God forever! Let the promises of God shield you from the fiery darts of the world, and let them also lift up your head as you abide in God’s sustaining love.

Rev. Tom Brown