The Focus of the Christian Life


I don't know about you, but I am a person who thrives on a clear sense of purpose. It helps me know where to aim my heart, mind, and devotion. In the Christian life, God has given his people two primary points of focus. They are given in order of priority, yet the two are never separable, (Mark 3:14; Matt. 22:36-40). An authentic gospel-centered focus on the first always manifests itself by producing an earnest zeal for participation in the second. So what are these two central things?

The first call of the Christian's life (together with the local church) is to know and love God. We are worshipers by design. There is no higher or more important calling than to pursue a growing relationship with God through the fellowship of the saints as they are united under the ministries of God's Word, sacraments, and prayer. You and I exist to know and enjoy God; this is our chief end and the means by which we glorify him with our lives, (Jer. 9:23-24).

So what about the second? Budding forth from the seed of our ever-growing walk with God is the bloom of Christian mission—our living as God's heralds of mercy to others in this world. As Christians, our lives on earth have been swallowed up by a great, eternal purpose. God has called us, his chosen and beloved people, to shine forth the light of his truth and grace to every corner of our county and ever country of the world. This is not primarily an event to attend once or twice a year, but a daily lifestyle to embody as we ask Jesus to help us "follow him" in the real world of everyday life.

As your Pastor, I am laboring to faithfully point our church body in this holy direction. It is my desire to see every member of our church mature and thriving in their walk with Christ. My first and highest aim is to always continue helping us grow in our knowledge of God and zealous love for him. And flowing from this, to continue helping us grow in living out a missional lifestyle of faithful Christian witness and loving Christian service. These are the two things for which I pray for God to work in our hearts through all of the varied ministries of our church.

Will you join me in praying for these things too? At the end of our days we will not look back and wish we had made greater investments in the office, sporting events, vacations, television shows, or fluffing the pillow of our private comforts. As the missionary C.T. Studd once captured so vividly,

"Only one life, 'twill soon be past,
only whats done for Christ will last."

Rev. Tom Brown